Easy ways to improve your health and wellbeing
It has undoubtedly been an extremely trying time for lots of people this year as we have found the freedoms that we all enjoy such as meeting up with friends and family on a regular basis, sharing hugs and kisses and dining out at our favourite restaurant severely curtailed. How can we then improve our health and wellbeing in simple ways?
One of the most important things we can do when considering the state of our health is to make sure that we are eating a healthy diet. This should consist of plenty of fruit and vegetables and as little processed food as possible. It is a good idea to cut back on sugar that is added to food but also hidden sugars that can be found in lots of foods. A quick look at the traffic light system on the packets will show the amount of sugar that a particular food contains.
Taking regular exercise is another way to improve general health and can be something as simple as taking a walk every day. Doing yoga or Pilates as a form of exercise has the added benefit of helping you to relax and meditate which is important for your mental wellbeing.
Some people find that using mindfulness techniques help them to remain calm and relieve feelings of anxiety and there are lots of useful websites that offer online mindfulness sessions free for a trial period.