Why it is more important than ever to look after your health
Coronavirus has been around now for almost 2 years in the UK. This has bought with it a wealth of concerns and worries for many people as it has taken the lives of people in huge numbers. Although they have now got vaccines and boosters plus a possible treatment for Covid, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to still try and look after yourself.
Although there sometimes seems no reasons as to why someone gets really ill and others are ok, being overweight or having previous breathing issues can put you at higher risk of becoming seriously ill from it. Not only are we having to try and protect ourselves from Covid but none of us have built up immunity to any of the colds that are currently going round so it is likely that over this winter we will have lots of times when we catch something that makes us feel unwell.
Eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and taking a good quality vitamin can all help to ensure that you feel in tip top condition. Getting your body ready means it will give you the best possible chance of fighting this awful infection should you contract it.