Staying Healthy In The Office

Workers in the UK are more likely to be overweight and suffer from chronic health conditions right now than any other time in history, except for when malnutrition is commonplace. This is largely due to a combination of poor diets which don’t provide everything we need in some ways, and exceeds what we need in others, and also our increasingly sedentary lifestyles.

Combating this while working in an office environment, is very difficult, because it is most people’s job to sit at their desk and work at a computer for the vast majority of the day. This doesn’t have to be the case however, as there are some small things that you can do to have an immediate positive impact on your health. This includes things like making sure you get up and walk around periodically, bringing a balanced meal to work so that you don’t rely on unhealthy options, and remembering to look away from your computer screen every now and then to protect your eyes.