Finding a Quality Dental Surgery in Leicester

If you are based in Leicester and are looking for a surgery to carry out dental work, you need to find someone reliable and highly qualified. This isn’t easy – there are so many dental practices in and around Leicestershire, so how do you know which one will be right for you? One of the most important things to do is to think about what you require and match your needs to a dental practice in your area. This will help you to find the right dental treatments in Leicester.

These are some of the most common treatments offered by dental practices:

  • Fillings. A common procedure carried out by dentists on a daily basis, a filling is used to fill a cavity in a tooth. A white or metal filling will be used, though white is now more common. The procedure will be performed under a local anaesthetic.
  • Tooth whitening treatments. A relatively new one compared to standard treatments like fillings, tooth whitening helps to lift your teeth up to a new shade. It will be carried out over a period of time and you will need to pay numerous visits to your dental practice. Discuss the shade you would like to achieve with your dentist beforehand.
  • Straightening treatments. You may have braces, or you could be fitted with Invisalign instead. This is the more popular choice for adults, as the braces can be removed completely. You will be able to clean them completely, and nobody has to know that you are wearing them. Your brace will be tightened up by your orthodontist very gradually so that it will continue to adjust the alignment and spacing of your teeth.
  • Tooth cleaning. This is usually carried out by a dental hygienist. It offers a deep clean, right up into the gums. Your mouth may be left a little bit sore afterwards but for the most part, it is a painless procedure. It is something you should have carried out regularly for optimum oral health.
  • Crowns. These can be placed onto existing teeth to change their appearance. They are usually fixed onto an existing part of a tooth, so they are good if you have had an accident and have lost a part of your tooth in the process. They will make the tooth look whole again and can be coloured to blend in with the rest of your smile.
  • Veneers. These are attached to the tooth to give it a different appearance. Veneers are usually used to make teeth appear a different colour.

Make sure you choose a dental practice that offers the services and dental treatments in Leicester you are going to require. You will be able to look at their website to see a list of what they can offer you. If you want to meet your dentist or orthodontist first, ask if you can book in for a consultation with them. This will usually be carried out free of charge and is the perfect way to see if you get on and if they are experienced in the field you require.